
What a Year! Subtitle: Maybe next year...

Well, we must be the worst bloggers in the world. Its been over a year since the last post! Good thing no one really reads this yet besides you, Nate. haha
We had a crazy and fun-filled year and now we are looking forward to the New Years celebration this Thursday night!

2009 in review:

We spend a lot of time looking to buy a house this year. I (Kate) did tons of reading up on one of my favorite topics (the dangers of industrialized food production) and decided to become an urban farmer... so we needed a lot of land. With my new car and Brian's affinity for buying car parts... we needed a garage. We both love animals and are not allowed to have them in our condo. With all our hopes and dreams the fact remains we are hopeless commitment-phobes and could not settle on a place. Maybe next year...

We did however manage to settle on new furniture after months of shopping and we're very happy with it! We want to have all our friends over more often now!

For anyone wondering, since we get asked this CONSTANTLY, we have managed to elude marriage again for the fifth year! Maybe next year...

With no shortage of wedding action in our lives, two of them actually gave us excuses to go on vacations! Our friends Tony and Christina got married in Denver which I had never been to. Brian has been telling me what a great city Denver is and he was right! The weather was perfect and there is so much to do. We discussed moving there, but we may just have to settle for more frequent vacations out there! Brian's sister Jenn married her husband Ahmet in a Turkish ceremony in Vienna, Austria. (Not the one with the kangaroos!) haha
We spent two weeks traveling in Austria and Germany with Brian's family and staying with family friends from when the family was living there. Good food, free place to stay, best way to travel for sure!! We went to Oktoberfest in Munich, saw the town of Schwabisch Hall were Brian was born, and saw the Mercedes Museum in Stuttgart. We ate amazing food, mastered low-flow toilets, and probably took way too many pictures! Where will go next year...?

The year wound down with us celebrating our five year anniversary. A milestone you can never really imagine when you first meet someone who seems so different from yourself, yet you kinda like the feeling of being around them. Then one day you realize how tragic your life would be if for some reason they weren't around anymore.

I remember when I was younger hearing about people who have been together for 50 years or more and thinking "omg... I would go crazy!" and wondering what their secret to staying together was. I'm not going to pretend I know what 50 years of anything feels like... but if they are like the fun, friendship, and intense love I have known for the last five, I could do it forever.

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